MP for Akyem Swedru Constituency Organizes Successful Community Cleanup Exercise with Constituents

In a remarkable display of community spirit and environmental consciousness, Hon. Kennedy Osei Nyarko, Member of Parliament for Akyem Swedru Constituency, spearheaded a cleanup exercise with his constituents on 15th September,2024. The event, themed “Together for a Cleaner Community,” brought together residents, local leaders, and volunteers to tackle waste management and promote sustainability.

The cleanup exercise, which took place in various locations throughout the constituency, aimed to rid the community of filth, promote hygiene, and foster a sense of collective responsibility. Hon. Kennedy Osei Nyarko, who actively participated in the exercise, emphasized the importance of community involvement in maintaining a clean environment.

“This initiative is not just about cleaning our surroundings; it’s about building a sense of ownership and responsibility among community members,” Hon. Osei Nyarko stated. “By working together, we can create a healthier, more beautiful place to live, work, and thrive.”

Constituents from all walks of life joined forces to clear streets, markets, and public spaces of trash and debris. The exercise also included educational sessions on proper waste disposal, recycling, and environmental conservation.

The event was widely praised by community members, who expressed gratitude for the MP’s commitment to their well-being.

“We appreciate Hon. Osei Nyarko’s efforts to improve our community,” said Paa John, a resident of Akyem Swedru. “This cleanup exercise has brought us together and reminded us of our role in keeping our environment clean.”

The success of the cleanup exercise demonstrates Hon. Kennedy Osei Nyarko’s dedication to addressing the needs of his constituents and promoting sustainable development. As the MP continues to champion environmental causes, Akyem Swedru Constituency is poised to become a model for community-led initiatives.