Felix Kwaah Yeboah Jnr popularly known as Oda Citizen’ received honorary award at the maiden edition of Eastern Entrepreneurs Awards 22 on Saturday 6th August,2022 at Akyem Oda Methodist Conference Hall.
Eastern Entrepreneur Awards is award scheme organized by Royals Avenue Production to awards and celebrates all hardworking entrepreneurs in the eastern region and Ghana as a whole.
Oda Citizen is a blogger, Writer,Social Media Expert,advertiser and the CEO Odacitizen.com
Check out how Eastern Entrepreneur Awards announced it on their social media handles;
Felix Kwaah Yeboah Jnr and with the brand name ‘ Oda Citizen ‘. A product of Oda Senior High School known as Odasco and University of Cape Coast (UCC) . A Blogger, Promoter, Writer, Social Media Expert, Advertiser and CEO of Odacitizen.com
On behalf of Royal Avenue production , board of directors of Eastern Entrepreneurs awards and Team EEA, we are pleased to kindly inform you that you will be celebrated and honored with an award category dubbed “SPECIAL AWARD”
This is due to your selfless humanitarian works for the people of Akyem, Eastern Region and the nation at large.
Akyem man Da wa se . Eastern region is proud of you for your selfless works and how you sell Akyem oda , Eastern Region as a whole.
Congratulations 🎊 Mr Felix Yeboah
See the photos below;