Two young siblings, a boy of six years and his 13-year-old sister, have both drowned in an abandoned pool at Saw Mills, a suburb of Akyem Oda in the Birim Central Municipality of the Eastern Region.
Kofi Asare and his sister, Esther Dede, were reportedly playing football yesterday evening around the pool area which is a few meters from their residence.
According to the deceased’s mother, Grace Asare, she was informed the ball fell into the pool which was formerly used by a collapsed Saw Mills company.
Dede, who jumped into the water in attempts to retrieve the ball, began screaming for help, causing her brother, Kofi to jump in to save her.
They both drowned in the presence of other children they were playing football with.
One of the children rushed home to inform the mother of the deceased who together with other residents rushed to the pool area to find both children floating.
The police were immediately notified and together with the Akyem Oda Fire service personnel, the bodies were retrieved.
Investigations have commenced.