The Palace of the Paramount Chief of Aowin Traditional Area, Beyeeman Tano Kwan Benbuin II , has been placed under heavy security after four persons were killed in an attempt to allegedly behead him.

The four, one of whom has been identified by nickname Skipper, were reported to have besieged the palace of the Paramount Chief in the early hours of Sunday, November 6 in an attempt to assassinate him.

Luck, however, eluded the four as guards at the palace spotted them on a CCTV footage at the palace.

A shootout, then, ensued between the guards at the palace and the four assailants.

The palace guards are reported to have had the upper hand and managed to shoot the four dead.

“A lady was caught in the crossfire and sustained gunshot injuries. She is currently at the Enchi Government Hospital receiving treatment,” a source told Connect FM.

The bodies of the four have also been deposited at Enchi Government Hospital morgue.

The source further added that, “I can count more than six heavily armed policemen guarding the palace as I speak with you.

“Western Region Police Commander, regional Crime Officer and other top brass officers have arrived in the town from Sefwi Wiawso and taken over the case. They have already gone to the crime scene to assess the situation. They will be visiting the Paramount Chief for further questioning but he together with his elders have already given their initial statement. In fact, I hear they are the complainants.”

It is still not clear what provoked the assassination attempt by the four dead young men.

Sources in the community have, however, claimed the attempt could be linked to a chieftaincy dispute between the Omanhen and a rival faction which has been ongoing since 2019.

There are fears of a possible retaliatory attacks on the Palace and its occupants.

But is reliably informed that the Ghana Police Service is beefing up its strength at Enchi to repel any such threats.

By Eric Yaw Adjei|Connect FM||Ghana