Ras Kuuku has voiced his thoughts on the topic that has unexpectedly become the most talked about on social media: whether someone should have a PhD from Ghana or a Dutch passport.

If I am asked to choose between the two, I’ll go for a Dutch passport because what will I be doing with a PhD? What’s even in that PhD and I want to know what that PhD involves and entails,” the musician asked Amansan Krakye.

According to the ‘Road of Evil’ crooner, having a Dutch passport will create several opportunities that will help him to get money in order to enjoy his life.

“We want money because when I wake up in the morning and give thanks and praise to God the next thing is about money and money.

Apart from money that’s all and there’s nothing that I think about again because when you have money you can even prolong your life in this world.

We need money so don’t let anyone tell us that a good name is better than riches but a good name and riches are both okay.

Explaining his stance further in an interview on Property FM, he said making money with a Dutch passport can help prolong your life in critical times.

He argued, “Imagine two people having kidney problems and they all go to the hospital and they’re all given two weeks to find money but one is unable to get the money, don’t you know the one who got the money for treatment has bought life to extend his stay on earth?”.