Eastern Region: Akyem Otwereso Gets New Chief 

Yesterday Monday 28th February, 2022, the kingmakers of Akyem Etwereso confirmed and enstooled the reagent of Etwereso as the substantive Etweresohene with a stool name Daasebrɛ Ofosu Kwabi Ayɛbiahwɛ.

Daasebrɛ is a royal from the ruling Adauana royal family of Etwereso, and he was made the reagent of the town after his predecessor Daasebrɛ Ofosu Kwabi II joined his ancestors late last year 2021.

In an appropriate time Daasebrɛ Ofosu Kwabi Ayɛbiahwɛ with his elders will come to Ofori Panin Fie and swear oath of allegeance to his overlord Osagyefuo Amoatia Ofori Panin, Okyemanwura, to get his name registered with Okyeman Council, and a certificate of recognition is issued to him.

It is there traditionally Okyenhene will ask him to take charge of Benkum division as an acting Okyeman Benkumhene since Etweresohene is the second in command of Benkum division,, until Begoro produces the substantive Okyeman Benkumhene.

Daasebrɛ Ofosu Kwabi Ayɛbiahwɛ,
Aduana Twea Abrade Ɔkofo Brempɔn Katakyie a wo nante anodwo a ɛsum nnuru wo✌️

Akora, akwaaba✌️
Yɛ srɛ onyinkyɛ, apɔmuden, nyansa, asomdwoe ne sika ma wo.
Sɛ w’aba a tenase ✌️✌️
Piaaaw!!! ✌️