Member of Parliament (MP) for Ningo-Prampram constituency, Sam Nartey George says no unregistered SIM card will be blocked.

His statement follows after National Communications Authority led by Hon. Ursula Owusu announced that after September 30, 2022 unregistered SIM card will be banned.

Yet, on September 30th, Sam Nartey George tweeted that no unregistered SIM cards will be banned after this coming Friday.

“I am 100% confident that ABSOLUTELY NO SIM card would be blocked tomorrow!
“This is a victory for the Ghanaian people who are waiting on the NIA to produce their Ghana Cards for them. For God and Country,” Sam George wrote.

The re-registration of SIM cards originally began on October 1, 2021 and ended on March 31, 2022. But the Ministry extended it to July 31, 2022 and later September 30, because most Ghanaians were yet to obtain their Ghana card.

The Ghana card is the only national identification card that can be used for the SIM registration.

The Communications Ministry say over 12 million Ghanaians have so far linked their Ghana cards to their SIM Cards.

Meanwhile, over 15.7 million Ghanaians currently have received their Ghana cards, the Executive Secretary of the National Identification Authority (NIA), Prof. Kenneth Agyemang Attafuah, disclosed.