Nana Kwame Bediako, commonly known by many as Cheddar or Freedom Jacob Caesar has unmasked himself as the face behind the New Force political movement.

Speaking after a planned public lecture event dubbed “The Convention,” which he had organised under the brand name, New Africa Foundation was cancelled, Nana Kwame Bediako said he had wanted to use another opportunity to unveil himself and talk about his policies and explain why he wants to lead Ghana as President.

But, because he invited eminent persons like P.L.O. Lumumba from Kenya, Peter Obi from Nigeria, Julius Malema from South Africa and R. Arikana from Zimbabwe for the January 7 event to speak on the topic, “Igniting the voices of Africa”, but it was cancelled following a denial of access to the Independence Square at the last hour, he decided to use the opportunity to unmask himself.

He said the circumstances surrounding the cancellation is what has made him to unmask himself prematurely and that, he would have wanted to unveil himself and talk about his policies at the right time, he told the press.

Cancellation of The Convention

Meanwhile, in a press statement issued by the New Africa Foundation on Sunday night (Jan 7), it was explained that “The Convention”, a Pan African event, which was to take place today at the Black Star Square in Accra, Ghana has “been cancelled by the Government.”

“We regret to inform you that the Government has cancelled the above Pan African Event which was to take place today at the Independence square in Accra, Ghana. All the special guests have arrived and thousands of people have come from all over Ghana as well as around the globe for this historic event.”

“We have just been informed of the cancellation of this event a couple of hours before its commencement. This event was approved by the government in November of 2023. This came as a shock to us and a devastation to our dignitaries and special guests who flew in from around the world.”

We at the New Africa Foundation apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused to our audience and the public alike. Please be aware that this situation is and was beyond our control,” the statement said.