You remember the very first MTN Mobile Money advert? Where there was this woman shouting ‘Me sen aka ooo“…”Me sen aka ooo“…”Me sen aka ooo”. Yes, I believe you do remember so well.

Well, many people do not know her name. But her real name has been established as Madam Rita Tetteh.

About a decade after her advert for MTN Ghana, the telecommunication giant has decided to do something remarkable for her. She has been  gifted with a two-bedroom house.

The advert crafted on the back of the earlier challenges that confronted the inception of the MTN Momo carried a strong message on the use of the service with a strong highlight on its usefulness, notwithstanding the distance barrier.

Today Wednesday, August 17 2022,Madam Rita Tetteh has been recognized for the impact her role in the above advert has had on the success of Momo .

She has been handed the keys to a 2-bedroom house on top of a touching citation that celebrates her for being part of the success story of Momo for the past decade.

After receiving her reward, Madam Rita Tetteh burst into tears of joy as she lauded MTN for the gesture which she described as a big surprise.

“You have made me overwhelmed with joy with what you have done for me. I first and foremost give thanks to God. I also thank Mr. Eli Hini, Majeed, and everybody at MTN. God bless you all because you have always supported me from day one”, Madam Rita Tetteh said.

See the photos below;