Veteran rapper, Okyeame Kwame, has disclosed that his wife, Annica Nsiah-Apau, gives him ‘chop money’.

He opened up about this in an interview on Joy Prime.

The popular rapper said his wife was giving GHS 100 daily to spend at the time that petrol was sold for 10 cedis.

“She gives me chop money. When petrol was 10 cedis, I used to take about 100 cedis a day,” he divulged.

Okyeame Kwame also disclosed the number of times he had lied to his wife.

“I went to buy a shirt for eight hundred cedis and it was all the money in our family account that we had that week. When I came home, she said ‘the money we are supposed to feed with is what you used in buying a shirt’.

“I lied and said that wasn’t it. I wasn’t able to lie and that is to tell you that I get her permission to spend our money.”